Two companies, Schouten Europe and Grassa, join forces to explore the potential of making vegan meat alternatives directly from grass proteins, effectively cutting out the cow as the middleman.

Cows eat grass to build the body mass humans consume as meat And that happens in an idyllic setting, as most of the beef we eat comes from industrialized factory farms where fresh grass is hard to find both as food (because cows are fed processed grains) and under hoof (as they are mostly kept inside crowded farms).
But what if that grass could be turned into protein without needing to go through a cow first? That solution could give us that grass-fed protein we desire while shifting demand away from the horror that is factory farming.

This is what Netherlands-based company Schouten Europe had in mind when it partnered with Dutch company Grassa. Together, the companies will research how protein derived directly from grass can be applied to meat alternatives.
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