Quotes from VegNews, March 25, 2024
In the last ten years, Netflix has been the platform for a variety of influential movies and shows that have significantly altered our perspectives, dietary habits, and actions.
Netflix’s Role in Cultivating a Plant-Based Lifestyle
Consider the notion of a period when the vast array of cinematic features, comedic series, dramatic narratives, and impactful documentaries weren’t readily available at the click of a button on Netflix. This streaming platform, surprisingly, became a significant presence in our daily entertainment only in the early 2010s. It’s quite astonishing, isn’t it? Initially established as a DVD rental service in the late 1990s, it transitioned to online streaming in 2007, and by 2010, it introduced its inaugural streaming-exclusive subscription. From there on, it has become an integral part of entertainment history.
Netflix has become an integral component of our daily routines, shaping various aspects of our culture from the music that resonates with us (think of the resurgence of Kate Bush’s ‘Running Up That Hill’) to the fashion trends we adopt (inspired by the Regency era styles showcased in Bridgerton) and even the social issues that garner our attention. This worldwide streaming behemoth offers a wealth of content that delves into pressing topics such as the climate emergency, nutritional habits, and the rights of animals, influencing our perspectives and engagement with these critical matters.
Indeed, it could be argued that Netflix, with its impressive subscriber base exceeding 80 million in the United States and Canada, has been and continues to be a significant force in popularizing plant-based diets and ethical consumer practices.
In the past decade, this platform has been a launchpad for some of the most impactful investigative reports on the food sector, with documentaries such as “Cowspiracy” and “What the Health” being notable mentions. These pieces have not only influenced individuals globally, including celebrities, to permanently alter their dietary preferences but have also reshaped the public’s perception of animal portrayal in show business, as highlighted by the documentary “Blackfish”. Moreover, it has encouraged a shift towards choosing unprocessed, plant-based nutrition, echoing the dietary patterns showcased in “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones”.
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