Chile’s NotCo is transforming the world’s biggest brands—including Starbucks, Dunkin’, Burger King, Kraft Heinz, and more—with its AI-powered vegan food technology.

What if there was a sustainable, plant-based version of all of your favorite products and go-to orders at the most popular chains? Chile’s The Not Company (NotCo) is making this fantasy a reality with the help of Giuseppe, its proprietary platform that uses artificial intelligence to recreate animal products from a library of more than 300,000 plant ingredients.
What can Giuseppe do? In addition to helping NotCo approximate animal products for its own consumer packaged goods such as NotMilk and NotMeat, the “artificial chef” is helping recreate some of Kraft Heinz’s best-known products—starting with Kraft Singles—under The Kraft Heinz Not Company joint venture.

And the fast-food industry is getting a taste of Giuseppe’s capabilities by way of menu items at Starbucks, Dunkin’, Burger King, Shake Shack, and more. “NotCo has become a powering tool for other companies looking to accelerate the advancement of the plant-based industry by having the means to exceed consumer expectations of plant-based options,” Matias Muchnick, co-founder and CEO of NotCo, tells VegNews.
“Technology plays a role in improving the production of our plant-based foods—from taste to texture, function, discovering flavor combinations, and timelines,” Muchnick says.
NotCo is currently valued at $1 billion and, with Giuseppe in its back pocket, the unicorn is pushing ahead to transform the food system as we know it.

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