Quotes from Food Manufacture, 13-Nov-2023
By William Dodds
Alternative proteins could replace a third of meat consumed in the UK by 2040, new research has found.
Alternative proteins could replace a third of meat consumed in the UK by 2040, new research has found.
Interview with Nicolas Morin-Forest, CEO and Co-founder of Gourmey Food, agriculture, and land use are collectively responsible for 20.1% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with agriculture and land use activities being...
By Jamie Morton Kiwis remain “overwhelmingly omnivorous”, a new snapshot reveals, with nine in 10 of us still including meat in our diets. But many now appear to be lowering their meat intake...
BY POLLY FOREMAN Sunak has previously distanced himself from veganism, despite the possible health and environmental benefits Rishi Sunak has been urged to adopt a plant-based diet for one month in exchange for...
Investment in cultivated meat is reaching unprecedented levels, as innovative new technology has paved the way for the development and deployment of great-tasting, sustainable foods. But some experts question whether it will...
At CultivatedMeats, we’re passionate about the future of food, products, and events that are grown and produced in harmony with nature. We believe in a world where cultivation goes beyond just farming and enters every aspect of our lives.
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