Quotes from Sustainable Brands, January 12, 2024
According to a new report, regulations on novel foods could be preventing alternative, environmentally friendly sources of protein, such as edible insects, from being used to create a more sustainable food system.
The report on how to regulate edible insects in the UK effectively and sustainably argues that the existing rules are too strict and discourage edible-insect businesses from entering the market. This could limit the sector’s ability to offer a more sustainable alternative to conventional food sources.

As climate change becomes an increasingly prevalent issue, insects can provide an alternative and environmentally sustainable source of protein, in comparison to conventional meat, which is generally considered to be unsustainable. Insects are being explored as a nutritional and environmental supplement to livestock as a primary protein source by startup innovators and global companies around the world — due to their ability to produce a great deal of food in relation to their resource use (ex: It takes 100 gallons of water to produce 6 grams of beef protein, 18 grams of chicken protein or 238 grams of insect protein), as well as their high amino acid and micronutrient content.
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