CellTec Systems, a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute and the University of Lübeck, claims to be the first European system provider for industrial cell propagation.
The spin-off’s most important resource is its know-how and patents from two decades of cutting-edge research. The biotechnology company was also a co-organizer of the 11th symposium of the AG Industrial Cell Technology from the industry association BIO Deutschland.

Industrial cell propagation
Since the availability of the first cultivated meat products, awareness of the underlying technology behind them has been growing. But its potential is far greater. Industrial cell propagation can be successfully used in a wide range of biotechnological production processes.
CellTec, a biotechnology company founded in 2021, defines itself as a system provider for various industries and sectors. With a Europe-wide focus, CellTec will, in future, supply special processes and components such as cell lines, process technology, machines, and plant components. In this way, the company aims to pave the way for a cell-based future. As co-organizer and participant of the 11th symposium of the AG Industrial Cell Technology, the young company will present its achievements.

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