a Department of Agricultural Sciences, Division of Food Science and Technology, University of Naples Federico II, Portici (NA), Italy
b European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Parma, Italy

Nowadays, plant-based dairy and meat substitutes appear to be the closest alternative to animal-based foodstuffs. While this market is growing rapidly, further research is needed to improve both the quality and the safety of such products. Apart from traditional practices, new sources have been employed and novel processes are being developed. Techno-functional properties as well as processing parameters are key to obtain a product with desired organoleptic properties that is safe for human consumption.
Plant ingredients, Alternative protein sources, Antinutritional factors, Food allergens, Milk imitates, Fermented beverages, Dairy imitates, Meat imitates, Extrusion, Bioprinting, Thermal processing, Non-thermal processing, Fermentation, Germination, Hydrolysis

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