Germano GlufkeReisaEduardo GuedesVillarbFernando AntonioPrado GimenezaCarla ForteMaiolino MolentocPriscilaFerrid
a Business Management School UFPR Federal University of Parana Av., Lothário Meissner, 632. Jd Botânico Curitiba, PR, Brazil, 80210-170
b School of Business Administration. Regional University of Blumenau. Antônio da Veiga, 140. Blumenau, SC, Brazil, 89030-903
c Animal Welfare Laboratory. UFPR Federal University of Parana Rua dos Funcionários, 1540. Juvevê Curitiba, PR, Brazil
d Manchester Institute of Innovation Research. Alliance Manchester Business School. The University of Manchester, Booth St W, M15 6PB, Manchester, United Kingdom
Despite the growing interest in the concept of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE), the structure of value-adding activities within ecosystems remains overlooked. Therefore, in this paper, we explore a possible conceptual interplay between the EE and the global value chain (GVC) literature. We do so by analyzing the case of the cultivated meat (CM) innovation EE of Singapore.

Through secondary data and in-depth interviews, it was possible to describe the major framework and systemic conditions of the CM Singaporean EE. Such EE conditions were discussed in relation to the evolving cultivated meat chain, in terms of input-output structure, geographic scope, upgrading activity, and chain governance. This, in turn, provided insights that allowed for the conception of a set of seven propositions, which open new avenues for understanding EEs, GVCs, and their interplay in emerging high-tech industries. Moreover, by bringing light to such interplays, our work may contribute to entrepreneurs’ and policymakers’ activity, so that the transition in the way we produce food contributes to improving social conditions for all.
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